Gulls in Europe

(last update: October 10, 2012)

Short index:

Herring Gulls

Yellow-legged Gulls

Lesser Black-backed Gulls

Great Black-backed Gulls

Herring Gull (argentatus) 3cy J2701 January 04 2012, Neeltje Jans, Zeeland, The Netherlands (51°36'58"N 003°41'32"E). Pictures: Pim Wolf.

Only few grey adult-like scapulars. Bird from N Norway, 2513 km distance.

CR-Code Black ring with white code: J2701 LBNW(J2701);RBM
Ringing Centre Stavanger Museum (Norway) Ring number 4271058
Species Herring Gull Larus argentatus
Sex Unknown Age Pullus

Date & Place:

02.06 2010 HORNØYA, Vardø, Finnmark, Norway (70°23'16"N 031°09'21"E) Erikstad, Kjell Einar - Kvivesen, Elisabeth

05.04 2011 Stavasanden, Karmøy, Rogaland, Norway (59°13'57"N 005°11'03"E) Kvinnesland, Arnt 307/1722/236

04.01 2012 Neeltje Jans, Zeeland, The Netherlands ( 51°36'58"N 003°41'32"E) Wolf, Pim 581/2513/227