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Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermedius) 2cy JA8G May 09 2007, Simrishamn (55.30N, 14.30E) SE Scania, Sweden. Picture: Jörgen Bernsmo.A c-r lesser-black backed gull read at on the 9th of May 2007 at Simrishamn. It was ringed last year as a 1 cy 09.08.2006 at Napp, Flakstad, Nordland, Norway (68.08N, 13.28N). This is at Lofoten and should be at the very northern parts of intermedius range. Although ringed as fuscus sp, the moult and general jizz should exclude fuscus fuscus which also breed in small numbers in northern Norway. Extensive post-juvenile moult, which takes place very late in winter in this taxon. This can be seen in this bird as well, by the very fresh 2nd gen tertials and wing-coverts. Post-juvenile moult included about half (the inner) of the wing-coverts and upper tertials. Rectrices not photographed, but birds such as this JA8G may well include tail feathers as well in the late winter post-juvenile moult. |