Short index:
Herring Gulls
Yellow-legged Gulls
Lesser Black-backed Gulls
Great Black-backed Gulls |
Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermedius) 2cy JZH9 September 09 2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
Intermedius from S Norway. Complete moult nearly finished.
CR-Code Black ring with white code: JZH9 LBNW(JZH9);RBM
Ringing Centre Stavanger Museum (Norway) Ring number 475699
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermedius) Larus fuscus intermedius
Sex Unknown Age Pullus Date 12.07 2009 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Rauna, Farsund, Vest-Agder, Norway - 58°03'33"N 006°40'10"E
Condition Alive and probably healthy and released by a ringer
Circumstances Intentionally by man - other means (includes trapped, poisoned, ring number read in field etc.). All captures (=ringing data) and recaptures (caught and released).
Hunted, trapped, poisoned intentionally by man (NB: not shot).
Ringer(s) Hansen, Tor Oddvar -
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 15.10 2009 (18:53) Accurate to the day
Place Armacao de Pera, Faro, Portugal - 37°06'00"N 008°22'00"W
Condition Alive and probably healthy and released by a ringer
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Becker, Toni - Schmidt, Ralf P.H. -
95 Days, 2575 km, 211°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age 2 cy Date 26.08 2010 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Westkapelle, Walcheren, Zeeland, The Netherlands - 51°32'37"N 003°26'29"E
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Meulmeester, Ies - Muusse, Theo -
410 Days, 753 km, 197°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age 2 cy Date 09.09 2010 (10:15) Accurate to the day
Place Westkapelle, Walcheren, Zeeland, The Netherlands - 51°32'37"N 003°26'29"E
Additional information 3900 lbbg present
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Lilipaly, Sander - Muusse, Theo -
424 Days, 753 km, 197°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Sex Unknown Age 3 cy Date 16.05 2011 (13:00) Accurate to the day
Place Helgoland, Düne, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 54°11'00"N 007°54'00"E
Additional information read by telescope
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Ekelöf, Olaf -
673 Days, 438 km, 169°
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermedius) Larus fuscus intermedius
Sex Unknown Age Age unknown Date 15.06 2011 (--:--) Accurate to the day
Place Kvassheim, Hå, Rogaland, Norway - 58°32'49"N 005°40'50"E
Condition Alive and probably healthy and certainly released
Circumstances Bird identified from something else then the metal ring.
Bird identified from coloured or numbered legring(s).
Observers Bentsen, Thomas - Maløya Torland, Klaus -
703 Days, 79 km, 313°
