Gulls in Europe

(last update: October 10, 2012)

Short index:

Herring Gulls

Yellow-legged Gulls

Lesser Black-backed Gulls

Great Black-backed Gulls

Lesser Black-backed Gull (intermedius) 2cy JR88 October 18 2007, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.

Intermedius from N Norway. Complete moult still not finished, P9 fully grown, P10 growing.

Black CR with White code     JR88     Ringing Centre    Stavanger        Ringnumber     4257188          Ringer    Morten Helberg
Specie   Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)                                  Sex   X      Age    Pull               Date   31.07.2006
Plac    Svarthellaren, Loppa, Loppa, Finnmark, NORWAY                                                                    Coordinates  70.22 N - 21.27 E
  Date        Locality                                                                             Coordinates               Recorder  Days        Remarks
  18.10.2007  Westkapelle, Walcheren, Zeeland, NETHERLANDS                         51.32 N - 03.26 E             Pim Wolf                              444