Jean-Michel Sauvage (France)
Morten Helberg (Norway)
Nils Helge Lorentzen (Norway)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)
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Great Black-backed Gull 2cy RUM Moskwa ES008270 (Larus marinus): February 01-08 & November 23-28 2011, Scheveningen, the Netherlands.
Ringed in Russia, metal ring: Moskwa [Russian Federation] ES..008270 [RUM ES..008270]. Ringed as pullus on June 18 2010, in Murmansk Oblast (Coordinates: lat: 68°46'59,
lon: 37°25'0. Distance to Scheveningen: 2544 km.

below: RUM Moskwa ES008270 (Larus marinus): February 01 2011, Scheveningen, the Netherlands.
Tertials and wing-coverts, and all flight feathers still juvenile. Upper scapulars and most lower scapulars replaced.

below: RUM Moskwa ES008270 (Larus marinus): February 08 2011, Scheveningen, the Netherlands.

below: RUM Moskwa ES008270 (Larus marinus): November 23 2011, Scheveningen, the Netherlands.

below: RUM Moskwa ES008270 (Larus marinus): November 28 2011, Scheveningen, the Netherlands.
Dark days for X-mas, looking for some affection?
