Baltic Gull L f fuscus/
Lesser Black-backed Gull L f intermedius

1: © Hannu Koskinen, 27-05-06; 2-3: © Hannu Koskinen, 25-05-06; 4: © Visa Rauste, 25-05-06; 5: © Hannu Koskinen, 15-07-06; 6-8: © Hannu Koskinen, 08-08-06. Tampere, Finland.
NOS 4248181 is from Nordland, C Norway (65.19 N, 11.37 E), another locality where pure fuscus used to breed. Compared to blue JJ6S, this individual is much more fuscus-like in build; this is particularly obvious in plate 5. On arrival in Finland, it showed several renewed rectrices; two pairs still are juvenile. It has replaced the outer secondaries (S1); in the left wing P1 and in the right wing S4 has also been renewed. The remaining secondaries and primaries are retained juvenile feathers. Most of the wing coverts have been replaced in winter; only some lesser coverts in the carpal edge are still juvenile. This is a slow-moulting individual: by July (plate 4) it has dropped the upper tertials and some lesser and median coverts are growing. One month later (plates 5-7) it has renewed the upper tertials but moult in the greater coverts is progressing very slowly. In the remiges it has only moulted P1-4 (P5 growing) and a few outer secondaries. P7-10 in the left wing and P8-10 in the right wing, as well as the majority of the secondaries are still juvenile. This individual has made its second journey south still with many juvenile flight feathers. Finally note the grey tone of the upper parts in different light, in particular the difference between plates 5 and 6.