Heuglin's Gull L heuglini

1-5: © Visa Rauste, 11-06-02. Syktyvkar, Russia.
Note the typical bluish-grey tone of the mantle and fresh wing coverts of this bird. The third generation scapulars and wing coverts are completely adult-like. Again the head and underparts are immaculately white, except for some sparse streaks in the hindneck. All rectrices and secondaries have been replaced, except for the outer two secondaries (at least in the left wing). P1-3 show very conspicuous pale inner webs. The bare parts look advanced as well: the bill already is yellowish and so are the legs. All juvenile primaries are retained, so the complete moult has yet to commence. In general, if an extensive moult has taken place on the wintering grounds, the complete moult starts later in the season.