heuglini 4cy April 29 2007, Tampere, Tarastenjarvi (Tara) dump, SW Finland. Image: Hannu Koskinen.Heuglini, with adult-like primaries. Mirror on P9-P10 (left|) and P10 (right). Tail almost completely white with small but distinct black spots. Seconaries adult-like, except several outer feathers that show limited dark centres. Bill-band and vermiculation on lower tertials and central gc. Primary covert pattern typical for immature birds. The sequence of the moults in immature heuglini at the wintering grounds is not fully understood yet. There are retarded birds which follow a sequence silmiar to that in graellsii. Based on the description above, it is much likely the individual on the images below on this page to be 4cy. But there are some heuglini which have had an extensive moult in 2cy, and maybe some birds in 3cy may return in N Europe in a plumage similar to this bird. |