Herring Gull 1cy VXV8 (argentatus), December 23 2002, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (52.21N 04.52E).
Argentatus is a breeding species of northern latitudes in Scandinavia, and as can be expected, the moult to second generation feathers is delayed, compared to south-western breeding argenteus. However, argentatus breeding in Denmark and southern Finland have a moult timing more in line with argenteus. This individual has completed the partial autumn moult (post-juvenile moult). The head feathers, flanks and upper scapulars are replaced, all other feathers are still juvenile by mid-December.
Danish populations are an intermediate group between typical British argenteus and Scandinavian argentatus. VXV8 was ringed as pullus on 23.06.2002 at Jylland, Denmark (54.58N 09.50E).
