Gull H-xxxxxx3cy (argenteus), February
06 2003, Boulogne/Mer,
France (50.43N-01.37E).
A typical argenteus
ringed in Belgium:
Bruxelles H-??????.
blackish-brown second generation primaries
lack a mirror on P10. The second generation tail has a broad dark
of the
new scapulars are more
or less uniform pale grey with just a few patterned brownish feathers left in
the rear upper and lower scapulars. Some grey scapulars appear abraded at the
fringes already, especially in the upper scapulars.
This Belgian individual has moulted tertials and a few wing-coverts have
been replaced to third
generation feathers in the partial autumn moult: the third tertial is
obvious fresher than the adjacent feathers, the greater coverts #3 have been
replaced more recently as well, three median coverts and two lower lesser coverts have been replaced. The
new feathers have fresh fringes and tips and especially the new median and
lower lesser coverts stand out as grey feathers. The patterns of new
tertials and greater coverts is very similar to
the second generation feathers, although they are typically grey-based
faint sub-terminal markings and a pronounced shaft streak.
