Herring Gull - Zilvermeeuw (argentatus & argenteus)

(last update: 07 april 2004)

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Herring Gull AAAG adult (argenteus), November 17 2002, Westkapelle, the Netherlands (51.33N-03.25E). 

An individual from the Belgian colour-ring program, ringed as adult on the nest. The orbital ring is yellow-orange, as is commonly found in western argenteus. The primary moult score: P10 fully grown, the complete moult is finished. A typical West-European argenteus, with obvious fine head streaking.

From June (often mid-May in France, Belgium and the Netherlands) to October, a complete moult will bring birds in so-called "adult winter" plumage. A new set of primaries will grow during the summer months and by late November, the average argenteus in the Netherlands and northern France has completely moulted all primaries. At the same time, the wing-covert moult is completed by the end of the month. 
In summer, the head is still largely white, but by September, most adults develop extensive 'winter streaking', in sub-adults strongly mottled brown contrasting with the white breast as in an executioner's hood. The scapular coverts are plain grey, lacking white crescents. The tertials show obvious white tips. The iris is yellow. The bill is yellow with a red gonydeal spot confined to the lower mandible. The orbital ring is yellow-orange in most argenteus

Primary Moult Score of adult Herring Gull (argenteus & argentatus) at Scheveningen, the Netherlands in November, ranked by date.

date > 03-11-00 11-11-00 14-11-01 20-11-00 28-11-00
P6 1 - - - -
P7 10 - 5 - -
P8 71 37 70 31 20
P9 23 38 80 60 60
P10 3 12 22 36 156
n (tot): 108 87 177 127 236
m (av): 8,16 8,71 8,67 9,04 9,58
95% CID: 0,13 0,15 0,11 0,13 0,08
SD (s): 0,66 0,70 0,73 0,73 0,64

n (tot): Total of individuals by date. Total this month, n: 735.
m (av): Average primary moult score by date.
95% CID: 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference.
SD (s): Standard deviation.

Note 1: by November, adults are selected by the plain grey greater primary coverts, large tips on the new primaries and the lack of immature features (thus limited black on the bill and no obvious pigmentation in the iris).

Note 2: in the summer period, the population Herring Gulls in the harbour of Scheveningen consist of local argenteus. From October onwards, figures are strongly influenced by increasing numbers of Scandinavian argentatus.