Jean-Michel Sauvage (France)
Mars Muusse (the Netherlands)
hg rings
Herring Gull plumages:
1cy July
HG 1cy August
HG 1cy September
HG 1cy October
HG 1cy November
HG 1cy December
2cy January
HG 2cy February
HG 2cy March
HG 2cy April
HG 2cy May
HG 2cy June
HG 2cy July
HG 2cy August
HG 2cy September
HG 2cy October
HG 2cy November
HG 2cy December
3cy January
HG 3cy February
HG 3cy March
HG 3cy April
HG 3cy May
HG 3cy June
HG 3cy July
HG 3cy August
HG 3cy September
HG 3cy October
HG 3cy November
HG 3cy December
sub-ad Jan.
HG sub-ad Feb.
HG sub-ad March
HG sub-ad April
HG sub-ad May
HG sub-ad June
HG sub-ad July
HG sub-ad Aug.
HG sub-ad Sept.
HG sub-ad Oct.
HG sub-ad Nov.
HG sub-ad Dec.
adult January
HG adult February
HG adult March
HG adult April
HG adult May
HG adult June
HG adult July
HG adult August
HG adult September
HG adult October
HG adult November
HG adult December |
Common Gull heinei adult, June 02 2013. Novosibirskaya Oblast, Western Siberia, Russia. Picture: Sergey Pisarevskiy.
In the field some heinei can be identified in a group of Common Gulls in W Europe, based on careful examination of open wing differences between heinei vs canus. In general, the wingtip pattern for heinei has more pigmentation and the grey tone on upperparts is distinctly darker. Subbtle differences in adult plumage:
(i) heinei more often show a deep black full subterminal band on P5; where canus normally has a thin, uneven or broken band, or black only on one web.
Sometimes, adult heinei may show a black spot on the outer-web of P4;
(ii) in heinei, black pigmentation extends all the way to the primary coverts on P8, where canus only has this black reaching 50-75% of the primary;
(iii) heinei shows extensive black on P7 (more than 80% of the way to the primary coverts); while canus has mostly less than 50%;
(iv) in heinei a long black 'bayonet' on the outer web of P6 extends for approximately 65% of the way to the primary coverts, while the maximum in Chris Gibbin's canus sample is 53%, with most having black only 20-40%.
In this bird there is at least a bayonet on P6, and markings on P4.
