Ring Recoveries

(last update: 10 oktober 2005)

Herring Gull argentatus
Herring Gull argenteus
Herring Gull smithsonianus
Great Black-backed Gull marinus
Lesser B-b Gull graellsii / intermedius
Lesser B-b Gull fuscus
Yellow-legged Gull michahellis
Yellow-legged Gull atlantis
Caspian Gull cachinnans
Armenian Gull armenicus
Baraba Gull barabensis
Heuglini's Gull heuglini
Vega Gull vegae
Mongolian Gull mongolicus
Slaty-backed Gull schistisagus
Black-headed Gull ridibundus 
Grey-headed Gull cirrocephalus 
Brown-headed Gull brunnicephalus 
Bonaparte's Gull philadelphia 
Little Gull minutus
Mediterranean Gull melanocephalus
Relict Gull relictus
Audouin's Gull audouinii
Slender-billed Gull genei
Common / Mew Gull canus
Ring-billed Gull delawarensis
Franklin's Gull pipixcan
Laughing Gull atricilla
Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea
Ross's Gull Rodosthetia rosea
Sabine's Gull sabini
Great Black-headed Gull ichtyaetus
Sooty Gull hemprichii
White-eyed Gull leucophthalmus
Glaucous Gull hyperboreus
Iceland Gull glaucoides
Thayer's Gull thayeri
Kumlien's Gull kumlieni
Mystery Gulls
Skua's Catharacta / Stercorarius
Terns Sterna
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About ORG

On this page we will add/plot ring recoveries of fuscus, intermedius and graellsii on a map to show the overlap and differences in migration routes and wintering locations. Locations of wintering grounds and breeding spots may be relevant to understand time schedules/patterns and moult strategy of the LBBG races. We use two maps (the world map and a map of Africa) downloaded from "The great globe gallery" and  nice images of globes can be downloaded from http://hum.amu.edu.pl/~zbzw/glob/glob1.htm.

At Westkapelle, the Netherlands (see distribution), LBBGs can be found well into November. Readings of (metal) ringed LBBGs revealed some originate  from Denmark, some from Sweden and some from S Norway. Although local Dutch individuals may occur as well, bulk of the 100's present LBBGs in November are probably Scandinavian birds. Large intermedius colonies can be found in Vest-Agder (S Norway, see more at the Adult July section) and this is the most northern colony from which ringed Scandinavian birds occur in the Netherlands. But though they may be seen in NW Europe well into November, others (from the same colony) proved to be much more adventurous.


For instance a long distance migrant, much in line with Finnish colour-ringed LBBG fuscus. It's a 1cy LBBG X, metal ringed Stavanger 472418 date July 5 1984 at Rauna, Farsund, Vest-Agder, Norway 58.03N 06.40E and shot October 18 1984 in Owando, Kongo 00.27S 15.44E, 6553 km to the south 3 months and 13 days later.

Some website already show recoveries of Lesser Black-backed Gull rings, like:

Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Anjou from France, with colour-ring recoveries of Dutch and English LBBGs;
a website with recoveries of Herring Gulls, Great Black-backed Gulls and LBBG from Scandinavia, run by Kjeld Pedersen;

and the website by the Finnish Ringing Centre, showing ring recoveries of Finnish fuscus LBBG plotted in an European map.
Read all information at the European Colour-Ring website, created by Dirk Raes from Belgium.
You can find various recoveries in the sections of this website, just check out the sections for any "age-group + month". If you have found a bird wearing metal rings, please check out the website of the BTO.


Foreign ring recoveries of Finnish Larus fuscus fuscus, published by the Helsinki University:

Foreign recoveries of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus ringed as nestlings in Finland
(by 22 Oct 1999, n = 940)

Recovery month:

= December-February
= March-May
= June-August
= September-November

Age class when found:

= found during 1st year
= found later.