(2 images) LBBG 9cy SVS 8081001, August 28 2003, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. 

Ringed in Sweden, Stockholm 8081001, ringed as pullus on 13 July 1995 at Gotenborg, SW Sweden (57.31N 11.44E). P5-P10 are still old, P2 is fully grown. LBBG intermedius, with short legs, slender bill, snowy white head, dark grey upper-parts and elongated rear end, much reminiscent to nominate fuscus, but with a much more advanced primary score and less obvious mahogany brown hue on the old scapulars and coverts. Primary moult is obviously behind compared to local Dutch intergrades at IJmuiden, where the majority of birds have shed P6 by the end of August.