Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii & intermedius)

(last update: May 17 2015)


LBBG rings

lbbg 1cy May
lbbg 1cy June
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lbbg adult January
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lbbg adult April
lbbg adult May
lbbg adult June
lbbg adult July
lbbg adult August
lbbg adult September
lbbg adult October
lbbg adult November
lbbg adult December

Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J0K0 1CY-6CY, August 2008 - May 2013, Norway - Denmark - Spain - Morocco - the Netherlands.

Ringed in 2008 at Vest-Agder, Norway.

Nice example bird showing arrested moult in 3CY after an extraordinary extensive moult at the wintering grounds in Morocco. Supported by images.

Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J0K0 6CY, May 02 2013, Brennevinsmyra, Mandal, Vest-Agder, Norway (58°01'04"N 007°30'33"E). Picture: Finn Jørgensen.

No black on the bill, adult bird in breeding conditions.

Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J0K0 5CY, February 08 2012, Dakhla 10, Oued ed Dahab-Lagouira, Morocco (23°40'51"N 015°58'50"W). Picture: Tor Oddvar Hansen.

At the wintering grounds.

Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J0K0 3CY, June 20-21 2010, Heemskerk, the Netherlands. Picture: Ruud Altenburg.

Outer primaries with white tips, P10 still old 2nd gen. Fortunately, this same bird was photographed in September 2009 in Spain, probably on its southbound journey into Africa (see below). The only explanation for the complete make-over of its plumage is an extraordinary extensive moult that it must have gone through on the wintering grounds. This also explains the very crisp condition of the feathers by June.

Visible primaries P5 up to P9 now 3rd gen, P10 still 2nd gen without mirror and brown cast; all secondary tips which are visible beneath the greater coverts suggest 3rd gen feathers. All rectrices replaced as well.

Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J0K0 2CY, September 09 2009, Langosteira, La Coruña, Spain (42°55'14"N 009°15'45"W). Picture: Fernando Pereiras de la Cal.

Outer primaries still growing, now replaced for 2nd gen, glossy black without obvious white tips. Tail with tail-band and secondaries brown centred with narrow pale fringe.

Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J0K0 1CY, August 21 2008, Vejers Strand, Varde, Syddanmark, Denmark (55°36'53"N 008°07'07"E). Picture: Matthias Haupt.

Juvenile plumage.