lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy Jan-April lbbg sub-ad Jan-April lbbg adult January |
LBBG 5cy & 7cy G.RAR July 03 2010 & August 20-27 2012, Katwijk, the Netherlands. Ringed pullus graellsii "Dutch intergrade", ringed in Belgium on 13 July 2007. Life history: below: 7cy G.RAR August 27 2012, Katwijk, the Netherlands. In active complete moult: P3/P5. No dark centres on greater primary coverts. below: 20 August 2012. P2/P5. L. f. graellsii G.RAR July 03 2010, Heemskerk, the Netherlands. Picture Ruud Altenburg. Ringed adult graellsii "Dutch intergrade", ringed in Belgium. Visible outer primaries (P5-P10) still old. |