4 images: 2cy LBBG intermedius NOS 4139760, July 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 

below 2 images: 2cy LBBG intermedius NOS 4139760, July 04 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 

A Norwegian intermedius LBBG, ringed NOS 4139760, present in Amsterdam for most of the summer months.  Moult score advanced, as all scapulars, almost all wing-coverts, tertials and all tail-feathers were included in the moult at the wintering grounds, about 5 months ago. Note the retained juvenile wing-coverts in the upper row of lesser coverts. 
After returning in NW Europe, the complete moult started and by early July, P1-P2 are fully grown second generation, P3 is growing, P4-P5 are missing and P6-P10 are still juvenile. All secondaries are still juvenile as well. Together with the primary moult, wing-coverts are moulted again, now to third generation and they involve the typical 'early feathers': second greater covert, inner median and inner lower lesser coverts and some inner upper lesser coverts. These feathers were probably moulted first in line in the partial moult last winter.

below: 2cy LBBG intermedius NOS 4139760, July 06 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 

below: 2cy LBBG intermedius NOS 4139760, July 09 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.