2cy Baltic Gull L f fuscus

1-20: © Hannu Koskinen, 11 & 12-06-10. Tampere, Finland.

This first page displays a selection of what could be considered 'typical' 2cy Baltic Gulls Larus fuscus fuscus. 2cy fuscus is characterized by an early 'adult-like' plumage, often in combination with advanced bare part colouration. Specifically, the combination of very advanced moult (all individuals on this page have replaced all feathers, including their primaries, at least once), virtually unmarked upper wing coverts and a few to many dark-grey to blackish-grey adult-like scapulars and/or wing coverts is unique to fuscus. Note that the latter supportive character is dependant of light conditions and may be hard to capture in photographs (e.g. plates 2 and 9). Although sometimes indicative, size and structure do not have to differ much from western Lesser Black-backed Gulls L f graellsii/intermedius (e.g. plates 7 and 13).