Dragonflies & Damselflies of Aruba Theo Muusse - the Netherlands
Red-tailed Pennant (Brachymesia furcata) is common all around Aruba.
It is seen nearly everywhere, also at the salty Frenchmen’s Pass. At small ponds in drier parts of the Island, it can be abundant. Wandering non-adult males and emales have been seen far away from water suitable for ovipositing. For example, Red-tailed Pennant has been recorded along the beach at Arashi, in the drier areas of Arikok and on Mount Savaneta.
Near its breeding ponds, it is always flying around with great speed, chasing other dragonflies away, no matter how big.
The ovipositing of the also reddish female (in floating vegetation) is guarded by the male. It then flies fast around the female in small circles making it hard to follow with the naked eye.

Red-tailed Pennant (Brachymesia furcata). Ceroe Tres Cabes, Aruba.