Dragonflies & Damselflies of Curacao Mars Muusse - the Netherlands
Seaside Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax berenice) is unique in its behaviour, as the eggs and larvae are capable to survive in salt water, so it can fill a niche not many other insects can.
Probably it's abundant at many places in the south at the island of Curacao, like the mangrove area east along the coast of St Barbara, the mangroves of Spanish Water, the salinas and small pools of Caracasbaai, salina Jan Thiel, the (degenerated) mangrove areas of Punda and Otrabanda and further to the west: Piscaderabaai, salina Malpais of St Michiel, Jan Kok baai and near Soto and Lagun.
Despite so many good areas, I've only been searching for this species once, of all places near Salinas, in a small degerated mangrove area of 30 meters long, which is probably used as a kind of sewage canal for the local KFC and other gastrononic places. There was some litter as well in the canal, but since it was so close to the road I just stopped and found about 25 individuals! I hardly dare to make extrapolations to the rest of the island.
This dragonlet comes in several morphs, being bright yellow-black in typical female type individuals to very black and blue-gray prunosed mature males. However, females can be blackish as well and the immature males look similar to females.
Seaside Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax berenice). Salinas - Curacao, March 2009. Male.