Dragonflies & Damselflies of Curacao Mars Muusse - the Netherlands
Great Pondhawk (Erythemis vesiculosa) is a common and beautiful species on the island of Curacao.
It is very common at fresh water pools, of which many could be found all over the island in March 2009, after months of rain. It was numerous (several 100's) at Muizenberg, but also common at Julianadorp, Cas Cora and Malpais. It could also be found along small streams, e.g. in the Christoffel NP, fresh water at Shete Boca, and it was even recorded near semi-salt water at Salinas in mangrove vegetation (but probably a wandering individual).
Pondhawks do patrol over pools, but they very much like to rest in tall grass stands, and prefer to land low in the vegetation. But in the evening they try to catch the last rays of sunlight in the open, exposing nicely on branches and twigs.
Great Pondhawk (Erythemis vesiculosa). Muizenberg - Curacao, March 2009. Male.