Dragonflies & Damselflies of Aruba Theo Muusse - the Netherlands
Red Saddlebag ? (Tramea onusta?).
This dragonfly has a diagnostic habit in flying with its abdomen held downwards, hanging. The obvious dark patches in the wing are accentuated when doing so.
There are a few red species known to occur around the Caribbean. Probably, more than one species are involved since 2 of the red males seen on Aruba (1 location) did not show the black spots on S8 and S9, seen on the others observed.
Red Saddlebag is another red species that is widely distributed across the region. Its face is pale brown initially but turns red in mature males. The thorax is brown and unmarked. The wings have reddish-brown veins anteriorly and the hindwing have a large basal brown crossband that doesn't generally extend beyond the midrib of the anal loop. Generally there is a large central clear spot in this crossband. The legs are pale turning black more distally. The abdomen is yellowish-brown in females, but turns red in mature males. Segments 8-10 are black dorsally and pale laterally.
They are difficult to photograph since they are the last ones still flying around in the late afternoon when other species perch and can be approached. This species is seen at temporary or permanent ponds.

Red Saddlebag ? (Tramea onusta?), male, Noord-Aruba.