Mew Gull Larus canus canus; heinei; kamtschatschensis; brachyrhynchus

(last update: March 12, 2012)

Kjeld Tommy Pedersen (Denmark)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Frank Majoor (Netherlands)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Mew Gull canus A688 3CY, February 21 2011, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Red A688 and metal ring DEH 5348993, ringed on June 24 2009 at Molfsee (Schleswig-Holstein), Germany (54°16'00''N 010°03'00''E). Project of Sönke Martens.

No white tips on outer primaries, large P10 mirror and mirror on P9, black on P4. Dark on greater primary coverts. In rest, tail seems all white. Note much brown on wing-coverts, which is not common in 2nd winter canus. Greenish base of bill, dark iris and dull legs. Scalloped pattern on breast.