Mew Gull heinei SVS 7144564 1cy, 08 November 1996, Malmö, Sweden.Figure 02: 7144564 (0/94,5) early winter but still juvenile plumage, probable heinei (1CY), 08 November 1996. Note dark centred greater coverts. The size and pattern of the black tail-band varies and pattern on upper-tail coverts show variation in intensity. Some individuals have the upper-tail coverts completely white, while others have more or less obvious spots. Our data indicate both canus and heinei can have white or spotted upper-tail coverts, and both races also vary a lot in tail-band pattern (see canus with white and spotted coverts in fig 1, fig 5 and fig 7). Still, we suspect that really heavy spotting on upper-tail coverts in an indication for heinei (see fig 2 below). Figure from: |