Mew Gull SVS 7146844 3cy/4cy, 14 December 1997 & 12 December 1998, Malmö, Sweden.first image is figure 19: 7146844 (358/92,8) three-year old bird (3CY), lacking white tip on P8 and with black markings on primary coverts and alula. 14 December 1997. Compare to fig 24 in second image, for 4-year old plumage. In their third year Mew Gulls are almost impossible to distinguish from four years old and older birds. The average three-year birds have mirrors on P9 and P10, black on six primaries (range 5-7) and white tips on P7 and P8 (about 50% also have a white tip on P9, see fig 18). Without exception the tail is all white in three-year old birds. Figure from: below is figure 24, four-year old bird (4CY), with dark alula and lacking white tip on P8. 12 December 1998. Same bird as in fig 19. We have 15 proven four-year old birds in the data set. The majority of these birds have two or three mirrors and black on six primaries (range 5-7). The alula is dark on three of them, while two birds have small dark markings on the primary coverts. Three out of 15 have a mirror on P8. All 15 birds have completely white tails. The most mature looking four-year old bird is shown in fig 23. We have also some less developed, retarded birds in this age-class; fig 24 (picture below) shows a bird with black in the alula, small markings on the greater primary coverts and lack of a white tip on P8. This black tip on P8 is normally an indication for two-year old birds and the bird in fig 24 is the only older birds in our material that shows this character. |