Mew Gull canus RUM MA-035690 11cy, 14 January 2001, Malmö, Sweden.Figure 33: MA035690 (360/90,7) ten-year old canus (11CY), probable female. 14 January 2001. Originally ringed as pullus on 04 July 1991 at Kandalasha, SW Kola peninsula, Russia (66.45N, 33.00E). Fig 32 shows a nine-year old canus female hatched in Malmö. Note the rather pale grey upperpart tone and poor defined contrast between white and grey on primaries (compare with fig 28 and fig 34). Fig 33 (below) shows another canus, a ten-year old bird hatched on Kandalasha, SW Kola peninsula. It is very similar to the female from Malmö depicted in fig 32. Fig 34 shows a twelve-year old male, probably heinei, which was ringed as one-year old winter visitor in Belgium. Figure from: |