Mew Gull Larus canus canus; heinei; kamtschatschensis; brachyrhynchus

(last update: March 12, 2012)

Kjeld Tommy Pedersen (Denmark)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Frank Majoor (Netherlands)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Mew Gull kamtschatschensis 2nd cycle (3CY), February 16 2008, Choshi, Japan. Picture: Akimichi Ariga.

Please visit Akimichi's blog.

Obvious dark spots in the tail and secondaries, and very small white spots on the (brownish) primaries. Note the brown cast on greater primary coverts and on several of the wing-coverts. Obvious dark tip on the bill.

The uneven tail-length may indicate active moult?