nominate Lesser Black-backed Gull (L. fuscus)

(last update: 25-6-2006)


fuscus 1cy August

fuscus 1cy October

fuscus 2cy February

fuscus 2cy July

fuscus 2cy August

fuscus 3cy February

fuscus 3cy July

fuscus 3cy August

fuscus 4cy July

fuscus 4cy August

fuscus ad June

fuscus ad July

fuscus ad August

(2 images) Larus fuscus fuscus 2cy, August 06 2002, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).

A delayed bird in wing-covert moult compared to other 2cy fuscus present in Finland by early August. 

The wing-coverts are still second generation, although a few outer median coverts are in slightly better condition and may apply to third generation feathers. Recently moulted scapulars are fresh plain grey-black, while the older second generation feathers have the entire tips and fringes worn away.

All secondaries and rectrices are slightly worn second generation. The innermost primary is missing: P1 has been shed, P2-P10 are second generation. Especially this type of strong, bulkier fuscus is hard to distinguish from 3cy intermedius with delayed primary moult. Best clue are the very fresh outer primaries.