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Great Black-backed Gull (marinus) 1cy HM09 November 17 2012, Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage.Ringed as pullus on 23 June 2012 at the small island Norderoogsand / Kreis NF (Hallig Norderoog). Only 3 chicks were ringed. Second image: the island. Several upper scapulars replaced. Goéland marin bagué sur l'ile de :. Norderoog bird paradise: 2008 Camp for young conservationalists of age 16 - 25:www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZNQgt-xpss This island paradise is primarily breeding site for sandwich terns, arctic terns and common terns. The length of the island 640 m 210 m. (10 hectares), elavation: 1 meter! |