Presumed Heuglin's Gull L heuglini

Heuglin's Gull - Larus heuglini

Heuglin's Gull - Larus heuglini

Heuglin's Gull - Larus heuglini

Heuglin's Gull - Larus heuglini

1-4: © Visa Rauste, 13-05-06. Tampere, Finland.

A really advanced bird which at first sight could easily be taken for a 3cy. The contrast between the bluish-grey adult-like feathers and juvenile primaries probably is unique for heuglini. There are three "generations" of wing coverts: worn dark brown juvenile (outer feathers), worn pale brown second generation and plain grey second (the inner feathers possibly third) generation feathers. Bare part colouration is advanced too: the bill and legs are already yellowish and a red orbital ring is emerging. Some of the new second generation tail feathers are completely white.