Baltic Gull L f fuscus

Baltic Gull - Larus fuscus fuscus

Baltic Gull - Larus fuscus fuscus

Baltic Gull - Larus fuscus fuscus

Baltic Gull - Larus fuscus fuscus

1-2: © Mars Muusse, 07-08-02; 3-4: © Visa Rauste, 03-08-02. Tampere, Finland.

There is much variation in the extent of moult on the wintering grounds in Baltic Gull L f fuscus. White C6XV, ringed in Luopioinen, Finland (61.35 N, 24.73 E), is a 'classic fuscus', which seems to have replaced all feathers already at least once. This advanced bird returned to Finland with a full set of second generation primaries. By early August third generation P1-2 are fully grown while P3 is growing and P4 is missing. Much of the mantle and quite a number of wing coverts are third generation as well, and look already adult-like. The blackish feathers are too dark for Heuglin's Gull and Baltic Gulls like this are impossible to confuse with this taxon.