Lesser Black-backed Gull L f graellsii

1 © Delfin González, 20-03-06. Madrid, Spain; 2: © Marc Fasol, 29-06-06. Mont Saint-Guibert, Belgium.
This British bird, hatched in Bristol (51.27 N, 02.35 W), first and foremost indicates that international cooperation is very fruitful: note the locations of the photographs. As with the previous bird, green MJ is a 2cy graellsii that has undergone a limited moult on the wintering grounds: all visible scapulars have been replaced but wing coverts, tertials and tail are still juvenile. These are not replaced until the first complete moult the next spring, which is in full swing in plate 2. By the end of June, all median coverts have been renewed and most greater coverts have been dropped; most of the lesser coverts still are juvenile. The scapulars are a mix of second and third generation feathers which look rather plain and pale grey (possibly an artefact of the strong light) with only some reduced markings. The new wing coverts show obvious barring.