Lesser Black-backed Gull L f intermedius

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus intermedius

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus intermedius

1: © Ruud Altenburg, 02-07-04; 2: © Mars Muusse, 09-07-04. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

This Norwegian intermedius, NOS 4139760 (ringing data not yet received), is slightly more advanced than the Swedish bird, as it has moulted the tail on the wintering grounds. The feathers patterns of both birds are comparable but this bird is overall slightly darker. All but a few inner lesser coverts are second generation and currently it has started moulting the inner coverts and tertials to third generation feathers. By early July, P1-P2 are fully grown second generation, P3 is growing, P4-P5 are missing and P6-P10 are still juvenile. All secondaries are still juvenile as well.