Heuglini 3cy, July 17 2003, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
The complete summer moult started recently. P1 is fully grown third generation, P2 is growing, P3-P4 are missing while the outer primaries P5-P10 are still old second generation by mid-July. This individual is paler grey than fuscus. Rather strong bird, probably a male. Note the parallel bill, with rather obvious gonydeal angle, as in cachinnans.
Some tail-feathers were replaced on the wintering grounds, and are adult-like white now. However, R3-R5 on both sides are still old second generation. Together with the new inner primaries, some median coverts, upper tertials, inner greater coverts and some lower lesser coverts are replaced for more adult-like grey feathers. As quite some wing-coverts were replaced already on the wintering grounds as wsell, there is no ordinary sequence in this individual, and wing-covert moult progresses in a rather 'jumpy' scheme, leaving those recently replaced feathers out of this moult wave for the moment.
The secondaries are still old second generation.
A more or less similar bird was seen five days earlier.