Heuglini 3cy (8 images), July 08-16 2003, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
3cy heuglini with arrested moult at P4, P5-P10 old second generation, P3-P4 are third generation. The complete summer moult started recently and P1-P2 are growing now by early July. From the pictures, it seems P1 is growing, P2 is fully grown, P3 is growing and P4 is fully grown. This is visible on pictures of 08 and 10 July, maybe a period just too long to explain this pattern by a single displaced feather. If this is true, the moult sequence is very strange.
This individual is obvious paler grey than fuscus (see images below). Note the rounded head and the slender parallel bill, lacking an obvious gonydeal angle, somewhat recalling female cachinnans.
The tail-feathers were replaced for adult-like white feathers, although there are some black markings on R2, R5 and R6. Secondary moult state is hard to judge, but it seems the outermost feather (normally the first secondary to be dropped) looks old and brown-centred, while the inner secondaries show neat white tips and darker grey centres. So, probably these secondaries, together with the tail-feathers, were replaced at the wintering grounds.
Strong clues for 3cy age can be found in old brown rounded outer primary tips, dark bill-band, black in tail, brown primary coverts and retarded brown washed coverts.

top pictures: July 08 2003
pictures below: July 09 2003

In clouded conditions, not obvious paler grey than fuscus, and in general, in jizz not very typical heuglini, although the bill is slender and parallel Could it be a hybrid heuglini x fuscus or just a paler fuscus from NE Finland, where birds are slightly paler and larger?
pictures below: July 10 2003

Last image: July 16 2003