Herring Gull (argenteus) NLA 5424838 adult, November 2009, December 2010, July 2011, July 2016 & April 2017, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.Ringed as adult (4+cy) on May 04 2009 at Hekslootpolder, The Netherlands, near IJmuiden. Bird ringed in the Netherlands, after taken into bird hospital. Ringed and released on May 04 2009, as adult bird (>4CY). Recorded a dozen times since, all at IJmuiden except for one record from (nearby) Amsterdam.
below: NLA 5424838 November 19 2009, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.Much black on the bill. Bill and head streaking suggest sub-adult, but primary coverts seem to be adult-like grey (although not completely seen). below: NLA 5424838 December 23 2010, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.Much more adult-like now. below: NLA 5424838 July 10 2011, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Maarten van Kleinwee.Herring Gull (argenteus) NLA 5424838 11+CY, July 18 2016, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.Complete moult: P1-P2 fully grown, P3 missing, P4-P10 old. Herring Gull (argenteus) NLA 5424838 12+CY, April 08 2017, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. |