Herring Gull 1cy NLA 5.429.056 (argenteus) August-September 2010, the Netherlands.Ringed as pullus by Roland-Jan Buijs, on July 05 2010 at Borsele, The Netherlands. below: 1cy NLA 5.429.056 (argenteus) September 20 2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Pictures: Maarten van Kleinwee.First-calendar year European Herring Gull, in full juvenile plumage (first basic). This individual seems to have a piece of wire sticking out of its bill. below: 1cy NLA 5.429.056 (argenteus) September 15 2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.below: 1cy NLA 5.429.056 September 09 2010, Neeltje Jans, the Netherlands.First gap in the scapulars present. Otherwise juvenile plumage. below: 1cy NLA 5.429.056 August 24 2010, Neeltje Jans, the Netherlands.First gap in the scapulars present. Otherwise juvenile plumage. |