Herring Gull adult 65 (argenteus) 2009-2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Pictures: Pim Wolf & Maarten van Kleinwee.Ringed as breeding adult female (4+cy) on the nest by Roland-Jan Buijs, on May 13 2007 at Vlissingen, The Netherlands. With metal Arnhem 6142256. below: 65 (argenteus) September 20 2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.Adult European Herring Gull, moulting to winter plumage (prebasic moult). The head, neck and chest shows light streaking. Moult: P6 / P9. below: 65, September 24 2009, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture: Pim Wolf.P7/P9. below: 65 (argenteus) September 19 2009, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.P7 / P9. below: 65 (argenteus) August 16 2009, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.P4 / P7. |