Herring Gull (argentatus) HC20 December 11 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Pictures: Maarten van Kleinwee & Jan Zorgdrager.Ringed as juvenile on July 04 2010 at Amrum, Germany. below: 3cy HC20 March 10 2012, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.Second-cycle European Herring Gull. below: 3cy HC20 February 04 2012, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.Second-cycle European Herring Gull. below: 2cy HC20 December 11 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Pictures: Maarten van Kleinwee.Second-calendar year European Herring Gull in second-winter (second cycle) plumage. Limited grey in the scapulars. below: 2cy HC20 November 26 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.Central MC very worn. Note start of partial autumn moult in upper tertials and inner GC. below: 2cy HC20 November 05 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.Central MC very worn. below: 2cy HC20 October 16 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.Central MC very worn. below: 2cy HC20 September 21 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.MC worn. below: 2cy HC20 September 13 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.MC worn. below: 2cy HC20 August 19 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.2nd gen MC bleached. Juvenile central secondaries and outer primaries. below: 2cy HC20 March 26 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.Covert panel still juvenile. below: 2cy HC20 January 26 2011, Zaandam, the Netherlands. Picture: Jan Zorgdrager.Rear scapulars juvenile. |