Gulls in NW Europe

(last update: September 25, 2011 )

Herring Gull 3cy-4cy J0434 (argentatus) 2010-2011, Barneveld, the Netherlands.

Ringed as pullus, on July 09 2008 at Herreholmen, Lyngdal, Vest-Agder, Norway.

below: 4cy J0434 (argentatus) October 14 2011, Barneveld, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

Fourth-calendar year Herring Gull, moulting to fourth-winter plumage: only P6, P7 and P8 are visible, P9 and P10 are in the process of being replaced.

below: J0434 3cy (argentatus), August 25 2010, Barneveld dump, the Netherlands. Picture: R Altenburg.

Complete moult at last phase: P8 fully grown, P10 still old.