IJmuiden Project - Fred Cottaar, José Verbeek, Maarten van Kleinwee & Mars Muusse

(last update: January 01, 2023)

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NLA 6.213.657
Herring Gull
female, adult
ringed: May 22 2023
Forteiland IJmuiden, Spanish hill
Y.CUB male, partner 2023
Y.DTN offspring 2023

Herring Gull (argenteusY.DPC adult, May - June 2023, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

Ringed as breeding adult in season 2023 at Forteiland, IJmuiden. Ringed by Fred Cottaar ringing team.

below: Herring Gull (argenteusY.DPC  >4CY, May 22 2023, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

Trapped at nest with 3 eggs, this is the female partner of male Herring Gull g[Y.CUB] op Noordvlak. We follow this pair with nest box (1st egg on May 5th).
Mass 935 gr; Wing 401 mm; greytone 4,5 Kodak.