IJmuiden Project - Fred Cottaar, José Verbeek, Maarten van Kleinwee & Mars Muusse

(last update: January 01, 2023)

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Y.DWB (was Y.BLW)
NLA 5.627.861 (was NLA 5.470.767)
Lesser B-backed Gull
male, pullus
ringed: July 08 2013
Forteiland IJmuiden, Centrale vlak
female unringed, partner 2024
female unringed, partner 2020

Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.DWB (was Y.BLW) adult, May 2016 - May 2024, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Mars Muusse & Maarten van Kleinwee.

Ringed in season 2013 at Forteiland, IJmuiden. Ringed by Fred Cottaar ringing team.
First week of April 2023 colour ring lost. Trapped again on May 27 2024, incubating 3 eggs.
Metal ring worn and needed replacement, hence new combination of metal and darvic rings. Ringed by Fred Cottaar ringing team.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.DWB (was Y.BLW) 12CY, May 27 2024, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.BLW 7CY, August 29 2019, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Mars Muusse.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.BLW 5CY, May 08 2017, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.BLW 4CY, May 20 2016, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.BLW 4CY, May 13 2016, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsiiY.BLW 4CY, May 01 2016, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.