Lesser Black-backed Gull- Kleine Mantelmeeuw (graellsii & intermedius)

(last update: 14-7-2006)


lbbg 1cy May

lbbg 1cy June

lbbg 1cy July

lbbg 1cy August

lbbg 1cy September

lbbg 1cy October

lbbg 1cy Nov - Dec

lbbg 2cy September

lbbg 2cy October

lbbg 2cy Nov - Dec

LBBG 2cy JVZ8 September 21 2002, Le Portel, NW France.

The primary moult pace is average for 2cy Lesser Black-backed Gulls with P9 fully grown. P10 is at the length of P8. All rectrices are old second generation tail-feathers with the fringes at the tips worn away. The second generation wing-coverts which were replaced in the complete moult last summer show a barred pattern. This bird followed the common moult strategy as can be seen in many second calendar year birds: the inner median coverts have been replaced in the partial moult, replaced for third generation feathers. This also applies to the upper two tertials and the inner three greater coverts. The pattern is much second generation-like. There are a few moult gaps in the lower lesser and median coverts.
Two lower scapular are fresh.

This is a smaller (female?) intermedius LBBG. The bird was ringed as pullus at Vest-Agder, southern Norway.

CR-Code Blue with white code JVZ8 Ringing Centre Stavanger
Ringnumber 4235468 Ringer Tor Audun Olsen
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus intermedius) Sex X Age Pullus Date 03.07.2001
Place Rauna, Farsund, Vest-Agder, NORWAY 58.03 N - 06.40 E

21.09.2002 Le Portel, Pas-de-Calais, FRANCE 50.42 N - 01.34 E
04.09.2003 Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, NETHERLANDS 52.28 N - 04.32 E