Lesser Black-backed Gull- Kleine Mantelmeeuw (graellsii & intermedius)

(last update: 24-8-2006)


lbbg 1cy May

lbbg 1cy June

lbbg 1cy July

lbbg 1cy August

lbbg 1cy September

lbbg 1cy October

lbbg 1cy Nov - Dec

lbbg 2cy August

lbbg 2cy September

lbbg 2cy October

lbbg 2cy Nov - Dec

lbbg 3cy Jan-April

lbbg 3cy May

LBBG 3cy BTO GA..... May 26 2006, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Ringed in the U.K.: BTO GA... Average moult pattern typical for western taxon graellsii: grey saddle (scapulars and back) contrast with the brown worn wing-coverts. Single coverts have been replaced for adult-like grey feathers (inner median coverts and several lower lesser coverts). Primaries and secondaries still old, second generation. Several tail-feathers replaced for white feathers, normally supposed 3rd generation.