first calendar year: September

Last update of this page: 26-10-03 17:33

Last year we did a small survey on juvenile LBBG and moult (n=45). This year the survey was repeated and was done inside the colony in August. For the results, see the Juvenile LBBG August Section. 

By September, the large majority of juvenile LBBG have left the Netherlands and must have moved south towards Portugal. Many of the Dutch juveniles, which were seen moulting the scapulars in the colony (in August) must have joined these migrating groups. Nevertheless, many juveniles can still be found in the Netherlands, but as September progresses, more juveniles from Scandinavian colonies move in. This may be a reason for the "observed stand-still" in moult progress in juveniles: those local juveniles with advanced moult move south and less advanced individuals from Scandinavia fill the open positions or gather in mixed local groups.

Best option to reduce this problem is simultaneous counts throughout the West European coastline, or counts which only involve ringed individuals (thus from certain origin).
The problem of later hatched intermedius, moving into early moulting graellsii-groups is not a problem restricted to juveniles. To get a clear picture about arrested primary moult in autumn in adult graellsii plumage, the best place to look for these adults is probably outside the Netherlands, at the first major stop-over sites in Portugal for instance. It is believed that particularly those adults, which arrest primary moult, may also be keen on migrating south as quick as possible.

Moult score in body feathers of juvenile LBBG 16.09.2000, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. 
mantle =mantle + scapulars; 
lesser =lesser coverts, 
median = median coverts, 
greater = greater coverts, 
# = number of  individuals. 
Normal pattern: moult in lower neck, followed by mantle, scapulars, coverts. First moulted coverts are the medians.
mantle lesser median greater #
0% 0 0 0 23
10% 0 0 0 3
30% 0 0 0 2
40% 0 0 0 2
50% 0 0 0 1
50% 0 1 0 1
50% 0 3 3 1
60% 0 2 2 1
70% 0 0 0 2
70% 0 2 0 1
75% 0 1 0 2
80% 0 2 1 1
80% 0 2 6 1
90% 0 3 3 1
100% 0 1 0 1
100% 1 6 1 1
100% 3 4 1 1
n = 45 exx.


6071.jpg (59255 bytes)LBBG juvenile Click the thumbnail to find ringed LBBG's from September.
5977.jpg (98711 bytes)Photo 1: LBBG juvenile, Dintelhaven Maasvlakte, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
6032.jpg (99257 bytes)Photo 2: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
6037.jpg (91455 bytes)Photo 3: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
4675.jpg (73634 bytes)Photo 4: LBBG juvenile, Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France, September 22 2002.
6072.jpg (99123 bytes)Photo 6: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
6075.jpg (75428 bytes)Photo 7: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
6076.jpg (78917 bytes)Photo 8: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.


6097.jpg (82563 bytes)Photo 9: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
6106.jpg (83223 bytes)Photo 10: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
6110.jpg (84094 bytes)Photo 11: LBBG juvenile, Brouwersdam, the Netherlands, September 02 2001.
6517.jpg (95105 bytes)Photo 12: LBBG juvenile, Dannes France, September 30 2001.