(3 images) LBBG EK85, 2002-2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
A bird ringed at Maasvlakte, near Rotterdam, the Netherlands on July 09 1996, in 7cy by 2002 and in 8cy by 2003. By April moult on the head still has to start and is in progress by May. Note the black line on the bill which apparently is still visible in some 8cy LBBG.
May 12 2002 |
LBBG EK85 8cy, April 06 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
06 2003
(below) LBBG EK85 8cy, June 02 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
EK85 again returned to the exact same spot it
occupied last year. It has a red orbital ring, a yellow iris with some fine
EK85 has some faint black on the upper mandible and the red gonydeal spot is
confined to the lower mandible.
It is probably a female, judged in direct comparison with its partner (code V1).
P10 has a medium sized mirror. The complete moult hasn't started yet: P1 is
still present by June 02 2003.