LBBG 5cy EU93,
April 16 2001, ECT centrale Maasvlakte, the Netherlands.
A 5cy LBBG, ringed as pull at the nest, June 4th 1997.
A mirror is present at both P9 and P10. The primary tips are small, but
not as small as seen on several other (presumed) 5cy LBBG. The
outermost tips of the primaries show already abrasion.
In the scapulars and the coverts, many old brown feathers can be seen,
clearly different from the new grey feathers (see e.g. the innermost greater
coverts and lowest tertials).
A small hint of black is still visible at the bill.
Ringed in June 1997, EU93 reappeared on October 23 of the same year,
along the coast of Portugal. Many of the LBBG breeding in the Netherlands
migrate to Portugal and even further: Morocco and Mauritania.
Another 5cy LBBG was present today, ringed NU7.
This individual was ringed as pull at the Maasvlakte, July 11 1997.
September the same year, the bird was seen at the Gloucester landfill in
the U.K., the SW of England.
LBBG exchange between colonies from SE England
(which holds true nominate graellsii) and the Netherlands (with Dutch
intergrades) occurs to quite an extend.