Photo 23: 2cy LBBG, July 15 2001, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. 

Primary moult is not symmetric: in the right wing p6 is juvenile, in the left wing p5 is juvenile and p4 is growing. Although the entire tail is still juvenile and complete, the feathers are almost shed and the base of the feather shafts are clearly exposed. Some LBBGs shed the complete tail in one moult wave (see also image 25). The lower scapulars are adult-like 3rd generation feathers. Note the lower mandible, where a red gonydeal spot is just visible, though obscured by the black bill band. The fluffy head indicates moult of the head feathers, as is common in 2cy LBBG by early July. In the wing, the outer 2/3 of the greater coverts is still juvenile; the lessers and the medians are actively moulting to 2nd generation. The fresh wing coverts show a neat white fringe at the tip, split by the shaft, not unlike Grey and Golden Plover wing coverts. The upper tertials are 2nd generation.

The very pale, whitish head and under-parts may favor race intermedius.