Photo 4: 2cy LBBG, July 7 2001, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. 

Body plumage and head very streaked. The mantle mostly contains most grey adult-like feathers and old second generation scapulars are grey based with a brown tip and a pronounced black shaft streak. In the lesser coverts, two juvenile feathers are still visible, but most of the feathers are old second generation, moulted on the wintering ground. Recently moulted coverts are plain grey as in adults. It seems there is no active moult in the wing and in the scapulars, but the outermost greater coverts (#10 and outwards; in some cases hidden by the flank feathers) are shed and are currently replaced. The upper two tertials are missing, while the second generation lower tertials are relatively fresh. P8 is still old, p7 has been shed.

Note the fresher central greater covert and the already slightly worn grey upper-parts. Together with the rounded primary tips of p9 and p10, one might even think of a 3cy bird, although all other characteristics clearly advocate 2cy LBBG.