Photo 7: 2cy LBBG, July 7 2001, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. 

The last moulted scapulars are dark grey with a black shaft streak. Greater covert #2 was moulted on the wintering grounds, followed by #1 and #3. Moult progresses outwards and the outermost greater coverts are still juvenile. The median coverts are old second generation, as the tips are worn away already and this bird is moulting the outermost medians now. As in many cases, the lesser coverts seem to be moulted randomly. The upper tertial is growing. One central tail feather has been replaced and is growing (the white tip is just visible, moult in the tail is a common feature in LBBG, early July) and primary moult score is 24 (p5 growing), average for 2cy LBBG in the first week of July.